
Overview: Mon, May 06

Daily Agenda

Time Indicator/Event Comment
11:3013- and 26-wk bill auction$70 billion apiece
12:50Barkin (FOMC voter)On the economic outlook
13:00Williams (FOMC voter)Speaks at Milken Institute conference
15:00STRIPS dataApril data

US Economy

Federal Reserve and the Overnight Market

Treasury Finance

This Week's MMO

  • MMO for May 6, 2024


    Last week’s Fed and Treasury announcements allowed us to do a lot of forecast housekeeping.  Net Treasury bill issuance between now and the end of September appears likely to be somewhat higher on balance and far more volatile from month to month than we had previously anticipated.  In addition, we discuss the implications of the unexpected increase in the Treasury’s September 30 TGA target and the Fed’s surprising MBS reinvestment guidance. 


Richard Fisher

Fri, March 07, 2008

Globalization also should make us change the way we interpret some of the indicators that have traditionally played such an important role in monetary policy deliberations. Globalization indeed warrants the examination of a broader array of data in arriving at monetary policy decisions. For example, understanding global capacity utilization in an industry may be more useful than equivalent measures of domestic capacity.

Ben Bernanke

Tue, November 15, 2005

There's no perfect forecaster, no perfect indicator of inflation...Exchange rates reflect inflation pressures. They may also reflect the balance of trade and other factors. So there's no single optimal indicator of inflation. My personal strategy, therefore, is to be very eclectic and to look at a wide range of indicators. And among those is commodities, gold, exchange rates, the whole list. I think interest rates, real- side indicators, surveys, expectations, there's a whole list of variables which can be useful in forecasting inflation. And I think one has to be very open minded about using whatever information one has.

Ben Bernanke

Tue, July 22, 2003

Where is inflation likely to go over the foreseeable future? Medium-term inflation forecasting is highly contentious--not least because the underlying theory of the determination of inflation continues to divide macroeconomic schools of thought--and I cannot begin to do justice to the topic in a short talk. The Board staff, for example, uses an eclectic approach that includes a number of components, including data analysis, statistical techniques, a suite of econometric models, and judgment.

MMO Analysis