
Overview: Mon, May 06

Daily Agenda

Time Indicator/Event Comment
11:3013- and 26-wk bill auction$70 billion apiece
12:50Barkin (FOMC voter)On the economic outlook
13:00Williams (FOMC voter)Speaks at Milken Institute conference
15:00STRIPS dataApril data

US Economy

Federal Reserve and the Overnight Market

Treasury Finance

This Week's MMO

  • MMO for May 6, 2024


    Last week’s Fed and Treasury announcements allowed us to do a lot of forecast housekeeping.  Net Treasury bill issuance between now and the end of September appears likely to be somewhat higher on balance and far more volatile from month to month than we had previously anticipated.  In addition, we discuss the implications of the unexpected increase in the Treasury’s September 30 TGA target and the Fed’s surprising MBS reinvestment guidance. 

Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee

Ben Bernanke

Wed, April 14, 2010

The fee on financial institutions, it is basically a tax and as such it's up to the Congress to decide whether it wants to raise revenue through taxing large financial institutions. I think the only observation I would make there is that it should be structured -- if you do do it, it should be structured in a way that doesn't create unnecessary problems. So for example, one of the original ideas was to tax based on leverage. But some further investigation discussions sort of reveal that that would cause very severe problems in the repo market, that would essentially disrupt some very important markets because it would create essentially a tax on certain kinds of transactions.

      So there are other ways to create the tax base if that's the way you want to go. So my only advice there is if you decide -- if Congress decides that you want to raise revenue to that particular method, and you can justify it just as a general revenue measure as well as a repayment as you wish that you do it in a way that minimizes the disruptive implications for the markets.

MMO Analysis